Write with Pathfinders

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Can we start our project at any time? Yes, we operate year-round and can start whenever our client is ready. Even though there is schedule timeline, we can accept clubs at any time to start a project.
  2. What is the purpose of the consultation? It’s the orientation to the website, the presentation, the process, and the financial benefits showing how all the dots connect.
  3. How is our book-writing campaign managed? Everything is managed from your dedicated webpage (Example: https://www.thedevangroup.com/org/wspc/fall-write-a-thon/. Direct everyone to your site for writing or uploading submissions, sign consent to publish form, preorder books, monitor the number of submissions, monitor sales progress, and download marketing items.
  4. How can we get a contract agreement? Once a leader registers on our website (www.thedevangroup.com/contact), you’ll receive an email with links to the agreement and other documents.
  5. Why do we need our church board approval? This is a major project, and your church is ultimately responsible for contract approvals.
  6. Who signs the proposal? Whomever the church designates; Pathfinder Director, Pastor, Treasurer, Clerk, Elder…
  7. After reviewing information, what are our next steps? Once all your questions are answered, you must sign the proposal, then choose your book title/theme. Our team will assist you with this to make certain it gets the public’s attention to buy the book.
  8. How we choose a book cover title? This is a Pathfinder project. Let them own it and have input in deciding. Keep in mind that people will not purchase something that does not interest them. Choose a title that will make a buyer curious.
  9. Can anyone join us in writing our book? For smaller clubs, we recommend partnering with your local congregation, family members, school, etc. to get the minimum of 100 writers.
  10. What if we have a very large club? Not a problem. The book price may change for more pages, or some clubs may divide into two books. Either way we can make this work.
  11. What is the timeframe for getting the writings? We recommend planning a WRITE with PATHFINDERS DAY, WEEK, or MONTH to ensure all writings are completed within a reasonable timeframe for one page. The longer this takes, the more challenging it will be. We suggest getting it done as soon as possible.
  12. What if we need more time to complete our writing submissions? It’s your project, so extend it if you wish, just keep in mind question #11. Just get it done! This is a fundraiser!
  13. How much work is involved in managing this project? Minimal! Our team tries to make it as easy as possible for our clients. We just ask that you let us take care of the development part while you own the project and market it like it’s yours.
  14. Who owns the copyrights to the book and why? The DeVan Group Publishing, LLC for two reasons: first, we waive our regular fees to accommodate the book as a fundraiser. Secondly, it’s easier for us to obtain the copyright since there are so many writers. The cost of each copyright can range from $55.00-$75.00 if done individually. So, each writer gives us permission to represent and protect their writings for only one fee.
  15. Can we set a higher goal? We recommend that you do. We have only made minimum suggestions. This is your fundraising platform–raise as much funds as you wish.
  16. Can we ask for more royalties? We are open to negotiating–especially with groups who exceed the minimum goal.
  17. How does the referral incentive work? (Great idea for those who will not write a book but want to raise significant funds) Our contract agreement explains referral incentives and bonuses in detail. Basically, you may want to set a goal for a certain number of referrals. This means recommending our WRITE with ME or WRITE with US Creative Book-writing Projects to individuals of other organizations. Each parent can solicit their boss to lead a project for fundraising. Example – Getting 25 successful referrals can boost your fundraising significantly – Potential example – 25 referral x $400 ea. = $10,000 additional funds. All you must do is share the idea and have them contact us for consultation. Examples: Associations and Conventions/Conferences are a good start – Nurses, Teachers, HS Bands, Sports Teams, Policemen, Firefighters, EMS, Doctors, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Community Groups, Senior Citizens, Leaders of Organization (WRITE with ME! or WRITE with US! Campaigns) and Individual Projects – Family Reunions, etc. Please note: To be compensated for a referral, the client must successfully complete their project and reach their minimum goal.
  18. How much does the book cost? The plan is to keep the cost to a minimum for two reasons: first, this is a fundraiser, and we are a for profit business. So, we must create a win/win. The proposal gives the breakdown. Generally, if the book has 100-150 pages – approximately $13.50 – $14.50. For 150-200 pages – approximately $14.50-$15.99. Secondly, we try to keep the price down for wholesale so we can upcharge for additional funding. However, we must be careful with an upcharge. We don’t want to price the book out of the market.
  19. When do we receive our royalty? We usually settle at the close of the preorder campaign.
  20. What is the donation button for? For those who may not want a copy of the book but want to donate to the project. Donations increase your book order. Pathfinders can sell the extra books for a higher price to benefit the campaign. It’s like paying for a box of Girl Scout cookies but not taking them.
  21. How do we plan a book signing celebration? We will provide a template. This is huge for the Pathfinders and for building momentum for additional sales if necessary.
  22. What if we need more time to reach our preorder goal? Most clients ask for extensions. This is your project. We follow your lead with time.
  23. Can we get a second printing? Yes and no! Yes, if you have momentum and the numbers demand a second printing, lower order numbers may increase the price. No, if the numbers are too low. We cannot take that risk. Keep in mind that if you follow our plan for multiple projects over time, you need to complete, take a break, and then move forward.
  24. How can we expand our book campaign to generate more revenue? Once your book is finished you now have a market. You can do t-shirts, mugs, balls, or anything that you can place a logo on for additional revenue. However, using your royalty funds to reinvest is a major high risk.
  25. Where are the books shipped to for distribution? To keep shipping cost to a minimum, we recommend bulk shipping for all local orders. They can be distributed during the book signing celebration. Don’t forget to take an offering LOL!
  26. Can we include artwork and poems in our book? Yes, absolutely. We encourage creativity. For artwork, just know that the book is not in color, but can still show well. Contact your project coordinator for directions to send in any artwork.
  27. Why do we need a minimum of 100 writers? Are there any exceptions? The book needs volume in terms of pages. We try to make it easier for marketing your book. 100 writers mean 100 participants for reaching your goal. From our experience, clients who have too few writers struggle to make the project work as a fundraiser. However, at the request of many smaller clubs, we will make an exception on a per request basis. We will accept 50 writers which can include others to write with the pathfinders. Smaller Clubs will still need to reach the minimum goal of 500 to receive royalty.

The DeVan Group Publishing

1 year 4 months ago

Congrats to the Northeast Charlotte Stingers Pathfinders for the launch of their collaborative book-writing project. Please support their fundraising efforts. www.thedevangroup.com/nestingers

The DeVan Group Publishing

1 year 4 months ago

Congrats to Astro Pathfinders and Greater Miami Adventist Academy for their collaborative book-writing project. Please support their fundraising efforts. www.thedevangroup.com/astros_gma

The DeVan Group Publishing

1 year 4 months ago

Congrats to the Westmount Crusaders in the Quebec Conference for being the first Pathfinder Club in the World Seventh-day Adventist Church to publish a book

The DeVan Group Publishing updated their profile picture.

1 year 4 months ago

The DeVan Group Publishing

1 year 5 months ago

Pathfinders Special Fundraiser Project for 2024 Pathfinder Camporee. To request consultation visit www.thedevangroup.com/contact or call 240-232-6105 ASAP.